Welcome to the website of the Holy Celtic Order of the Temple. The tradition of this Order is Liberal Catholic and offers a Liberal Catholic path to esoteric knowledge and mystical experience.
The order comprises four grades. The first grade (KSJA / DSMM) is open to all baptised Christians and is focussed on the Avalonian Mysteries. The second grade (KSJB/DSJB) focusses on the Pyrenean Mysteries and is open to clerics in minor or major orders and deaconesses as well as select lay members of the first grade. The third and fourth grades, Celtic Knight/Dame of the Temple and Knight Templar Priest are reserved for particularly committed lay people and clergy in major orders, respectively. Each grade has a distinctive mantle.
Our specifically Celtic traditions are most usually celebrated among the members of our affiliated Druid Order, Trinity Grove. Members in the higher grades may also be offered membership of the Mar Thoma Liberal Catholic Church and the Liberal Catholic Martinist Order. We also work two Masonic Rites; the Rectified Scottish Rite (Templarist Freemasonry) and the Ancient & Primitive Rite of Memphis+Misraim (Egyptian Freemasonry), with lodges in Spain, Serbia and Cuba. Some members are also members of the Black Preceptory of Haiti.
We are committed to the spiritual growth of each member and to a Templarism that is true to the original Templar task of the defence of Christendom, through awareness raising, prayer and our own Templar witness.
The order comprises four grades. The first grade (KSJA / DSMM) is open to all baptised Christians and is focussed on the Avalonian Mysteries. The second grade (KSJB/DSJB) focusses on the Pyrenean Mysteries and is open to clerics in minor or major orders and deaconesses as well as select lay members of the first grade. The third and fourth grades, Celtic Knight/Dame of the Temple and Knight Templar Priest are reserved for particularly committed lay people and clergy in major orders, respectively. Each grade has a distinctive mantle.
Our specifically Celtic traditions are most usually celebrated among the members of our affiliated Druid Order, Trinity Grove. Members in the higher grades may also be offered membership of the Mar Thoma Liberal Catholic Church and the Liberal Catholic Martinist Order. We also work two Masonic Rites; the Rectified Scottish Rite (Templarist Freemasonry) and the Ancient & Primitive Rite of Memphis+Misraim (Egyptian Freemasonry), with lodges in Spain, Serbia and Cuba. Some members are also members of the Black Preceptory of Haiti.
We are committed to the spiritual growth of each member and to a Templarism that is true to the original Templar task of the defence of Christendom, through awareness raising, prayer and our own Templar witness.
A Knights Morning Prayer

O Lord Christ, we Thy faithful soldiers dedicate this newborn day to Thee, praying that it may shine in Thy service as a pure pearl in the chaplet of our life, O Thou great King of Love, to whom be praise and adoration for evermore. Amen.
O Lord Christ, we Thy faithful soldiers dedicate this newborn day to Thee, praying that it may shine in Thy service as a pure pearl in the chaplet of our life, O Thou great King of Love, to whom be praise and adoration for evermore. Amen.
Feasts of the Holy Celtic Order of the Temple

27th Dec. - St John the Evangelist
8th Jan. - Ven. Violet Mary Firth (Dion Fortune)
1st March - Ven. Charles Webster Leadbeater, Bp.
13th Mar. - Bl. James Ingall Wedgwood, Bp.
16th Mar. - Montségur Day
18th Mar. - St Jacques De Molay, M.
23rd Apr. - St George, M.
24th Jun. - Nativity of St John the Baptist
3rd July - St Thomas the Apostle
22nd Jul. - St Mary Magdalene
31st Jul. - St Joseph of Arimathea
10th Aug. - St Esclarmonda de Fois
24th Aug. - Bl. Guilhèm Belibasta, M.
29th Aug. - Beheading of St John the Baptist
8th Sept. - Our Lady of Glastonbury
29th Sept. - St Michael and All Angels
13th Oct. - All Saints and Martyrs of the Temple
2nd Nov. - St Gregorios of Parumala
10th Nov. St Raimond-Roger Trencavel, M.
21st Nov. - Presentation of Our Lady in the Temple
8th Jan. - Ven. Violet Mary Firth (Dion Fortune)
1st March - Ven. Charles Webster Leadbeater, Bp.
13th Mar. - Bl. James Ingall Wedgwood, Bp.
16th Mar. - Montségur Day
18th Mar. - St Jacques De Molay, M.
23rd Apr. - St George, M.
24th Jun. - Nativity of St John the Baptist
3rd July - St Thomas the Apostle
22nd Jul. - St Mary Magdalene
31st Jul. - St Joseph of Arimathea
10th Aug. - St Esclarmonda de Fois
24th Aug. - Bl. Guilhèm Belibasta, M.
29th Aug. - Beheading of St John the Baptist
8th Sept. - Our Lady of Glastonbury
29th Sept. - St Michael and All Angels
13th Oct. - All Saints and Martyrs of the Temple
2nd Nov. - St Gregorios of Parumala
10th Nov. St Raimond-Roger Trencavel, M.
21st Nov. - Presentation of Our Lady in the Temple